Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Story From My Day

So I was walking to school this morning.  I head up my street, turn right and turn left to get to my bus stop.  As I'm walking up my street, I see the bus coming down the street, and a girl, full out RUNNING, to get to where the bus stops in time, before the bus passes and she misses it.  I can already tell she's going to miss it since the bus is almost near me and she's still up at the corner.

Out of NOWHERE, this little old lady with her cane basically darts into the street and stops the bus by holding her CANE and her BODY in front of it!  The bus driver stops (he wasn't ABOUT to hit her, but had he not stopped when he did, he probably would have) and starts angrily shouting at the old lady.  The old lady sweetly responds that "There's a young girl trying to get on your bus."

Two seconds later, the girl gets to the bus, climbs on, and the old lady continues on her way.  But before she does, she winks at me.  I did not make this story up.

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