Sunday, September 12, 2010

Buffalo International Airport

A while back my brother made an interesting observation about the Buffalo International Airport.  Literally whenever you stroll by a certain section, "Slide" by the Buffalo born band, the Goo Goo Dolls, is always playing.  Some things for sure never change, especially in the small city I'm from.  Just as I was trying to shove my computer back in my backpack, the lyrics started up almost as if on cue...

"Do you wake up on your own?  And wonder where you are?"

Other than that line, the song holds no other parallel to what I'm feeling, but I'm more than excited to write that I'll probably be experiencing that sung sentiment tomorrow morning, 8:30 am Madrid time.  Until then it's a long 18 hour trip (7 and a half hour flight from JFK to Barajas) in a cozy aisle seat on my first jumbo jet.

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