Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Day of Class, Sort Of

Hi all.  Really short post right now.  It's 6:20 AM here in Madrid and I've been up for an hour.  I have to catch the bus at 7:15 to make it to school on time.  First class of the day is Habilidades Directivas with Profesor Abel Minguez.  I'm not all together sure what to expect because as of this minute I haven't had a class at ICADE, only the Mosaic institute which American University uses as a satellite school.  I've been having a lot of problems signing up and finding classes that will a. fit my schedule and b. actually transfer as credits.

Sigh.  To cheer myself up I shall listen to Waka Waka by Shakira.  I haven't mentioned it in this blog but they literally play this song everywhere, including at clubs and bars.  They're really proud to have won the world cup and add a star to their crest.  Wish me luck!

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