Monday, September 13, 2010

The Inquisition, A Siesta and a Tuna Salad

Hello all!

So I've arrived safe, sound and not all that sweaty in Madrid, Spain.  It's a cool 91 degrees here and the sun is shining brightly.  Barajas airport seems to be so big that it actually encircles Madrid and it's about a half hour from where my host family is located!

I was anticipating a full on Spanish inquisition when I arrived at customs and immigration.  Since I got on the plane at JFK, I'd been running through possible questions that they might ask me and answering them accordingly, consulting my Webster English/Spanish dictionary so I didn't make a fool out of myself.  Which my mom can tell you was probably the safer option than me trying to speak under pressure (i.e. Spanish Consulate; Where I was asked if I can speak Spanish and I responded "  mas o menos" which roughly means "daflkjadgl yes?  more or less" although not quite as graceful.)  I got to immigration with my very heavy backpack behind the two Spanish lovebirds that spent the whole trip making out next to me, walked up to Alfonso (my immigration officer) and he politely smiled, inquired

"Estudiante?", to which I nodded. 

"Y que estudias?" Alfonso asks.

"Negocios, Idiomas y Cultura" Go me.

He nodded, stamped my passport, smiled and waved me through.  Not nearly as scary as Mexican or Ecuadorian immigration, that's for sure!

Elena, one of the coordinators for American University picked me up at the airport as well as fellow ICADE / American University student, R.  We had coffee and tried to figure out my Sim Card which is still not working but I'm sure I'll figure out.  I am a whiz with technology after all (not.)

I'm sure you're all very curious as to my homestay situation as well!  Well I'm actually in a little apartment, very close to Retiro Park and Centro (central Madrid and ie where all the cool things) and about a block away from Campo de Moros.  My homestay family consists of just one Señora.  At this point I'm 80% sure her name is Aurelia (like in LOVE ACTUALLY!) because Elena told me her name very quickly and I haven't gotten the nerve up to ask her.  As my dad suggested (who I just skyped with) I plan on asking her how she "spells her name".  This method generally works.  She loved the Truffalos (Buffalo Chocolates) and Yankee Candle candle I got her (Sweet Pea, already in her really cool bathroom).

I've got my own room (for once in my life!) with two full beds and more closet space than I could have ever asked for.  Evidently she normally takes two students, but there weren´t as many as there have been in the past so it´s just me.  As per my mother's regulations, all my clothes are already stashed and hung up and toiletries are put away.  I'll be posting pictures asap, no worries!

"Aurelia" is really sweet, luckily!  She's probably about 60, but still pretty spunky, and she enjoys her Spanish soap operas.  But what Latina woman doesn't?  Currently the cable is out so she is fretting around waiting for the cable guy and keeps asking if I want any food or something to drink.  She made me a really healthy salad for dinner, and although I despise tuna and think it smells and assume it to taste a bit like cat food, it was really good on top of peppers, cucumbers, lettuce and tomatoes.  She was really funny about trying to help with my phone and the internet.  She's not really all too good with technology, I assume ICADE set her up with the internet for the students she hosts, as she doesn't have her own computer.  I was trying to figure out the wireless and she guiltily just watched and reaffirmed she wouldn't even know how to plug it in.

Tomorrow all the ICADE kids are going to a small orientation (not the official one), lunch and to Museo del Prado.  For now I'm just chilling out in the apartment and listening to the radio with "Aurelia"


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